Top 5 Car Oil Change Mistakes You're Probably Making


professional Automative

When it comes to car maintenance, there isn't much that we can handle on our own. We almost always need professional automotive services for vehicle maintenance tasks like rotating tyres or changing spark plugs.

However, one of the few things you can do without the help of a mechanic is change engine oil. After all, it's very tempting to think that this simple maintenance practice doesn't require a professional. After all, it just involved draining the old oil, changing the filter, and then pouring in new oil and viola! You're done, isn't that it? Turns out, it's not that simple. Chances are you're missing something or doing part of the process wrong. 

That being said, let's cover a few major mistakes you may make when changing engine oil on your own.

Common DIY Oil Change Mistakes

If you're looking to change your engine oil yourself for the first time, or if you are a seasoned DIYer, nearly everyone who has ever changed a car's oil has, at some point or another, made at least one of these errors. So, to help you learn from those mistakes (so that you don't repeat them), here's our list of some major mistakes you're probably making when changing your car's oil.

·         Using The Wrong Oil Grade

Using the wrong oil is probably one of the typical mistakes people make. By "wrong oil,"we mean the wrong viscosity. Engines vary, as do their motor-oil requirements, and using something other than your manufacturer's recommendations can damage your engine.

You need to know which oil to use in your engine and the right viscosity. For instance, using synthetic oil in an older engine designed for conventional oil can cause leaks. Before attempting to replace your car's oil, be certain what type it is and what are your car's requirements.

·         Over Or Under-Filling Your Oil

When changing your engine oil, it is important to be precise with the oil you use. Over or underfilling your oil can cause serious problems for your engine. For instance, if you add too much oil, it can cause damage to your engine by causing the oil to foam. In extreme situations, this might lead to lower performance, excessive fuel usage, and in some cases, engine failure.

On the other hand,underfilling your oil can cause insufficient lubrication and overheat. This can lead to increased wear and shortened engine life. Therefore, it is important to consult your owner's manual and carefully measure the oil you need before adding it to your engine.

·         Not Monitoring Your Oil Changes

Your oil needs to be changed after one of two conditions are met, either a certain amount of miles or months. And not keeping track of the miles since your last oil change can lead to trouble. 

It is difficult to know when the last oil change was performed without an accurate record. This can result in the car being over- or under-serviced, which can cause expensive damage. In addition, not keeping track of oil changes can void a car's warranty.

·         Not Putting the Oil Filter on Properly

As crucial as changing your car's oil, replacing your oil filter, and ensuring it is installed properly holds the same importance. After all,the oil filter is the thing that keeps your oil impurities-free and needs to be swapped out with every oil change. If you don't install the filter correctly, these contaminants can bypass the filter and enter the engine, causing premature wear. In addition, an improperly installed filter can cause an oil leak, leading to engine damage or a fire.


Moreover, there are three things to know about changing the oil filter.

·         First, when you remove the filter, ensure the O-ring (a seal that prevents oil from leaking from your oil pump) comes off with it. You certainly do not want to install the new filter with two O-rings.

·         Second, moisten the O-ring with oil before you screw the new filter on. Lubing the O-ring helps the filter and engine connect better and helps you more easily remove the filter at your next oil change.

·         Finally, don't over-tighten. You only need to hand-tighten the filter. Make it tight, but don't go overboard.

·         Not Carrying Out Other Necessary Maintenance Tasks At The Same Time

While every vehicle owner knows the importance of routine oil changes, it's equally important, especially for DIYers, to perform basic maintenance tasks, such as checking the air filter, brake fluid, and engine coolant.

Car owners need to understand that just swapping out the oil and calling it a day isn't going to cut it. The other maintenance tasks are just as critical as oil changes. After all, your car represents a substantial investment, and if you wish to protect that investment, you must keep up with its maintenance.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, performing your engine oil change isn't complicated, but there are common mistakes that even seasoned DIYers sometimes make. Now that you have this guide with you, we hope you'll avoid these mistakes in the future and keep your vehicle running strong for miles to come. 

Besides maintenance, if you're looking to get your hands on quality automotive products, consider contacting companies like CTC – one of the top names in the UAE automotive aftermarket. Order today!




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