6 Reasons Why Letting Natural Light Enter Your Bathroom Is A Smart Homeowner Move


The bathroom is a greatly important part of the house. Some homeowners lightly take building and designing it when these must be paid huge attention to. There are various elements that you should consider for and inevitably include in your bathroom’s construction or renovation. One of them is having a good source of lighting. Take note that it must not only come from artificial supply but also from natural light. 


Probably, many or most homeowners do not highly regard the importance of natural light to their bathrooms. Well, it’s somehow understandable because what people mostly care about their comfort rooms is the toilet bowl, the sink and the shower. They, which might include you, often do not realize how natural light is essential too!   


Be enlightened. Here are 6 reasons why letting natural light enter your bathroom is a smart homeowner move! Don’t skip a number even if you think you already know what’s in it. You’ll be surprised to know that you actually don’t, so read on. 


1 - The bathroom looks more spacious and airy.


Natural light is the best source of lighting. Whatever it strikes, it becomes clearer and more visible. If your bathroom receives natural light, it looks more spacious than it really is. It can create an illusion of a bigger room. 


What’s more, your bathroom becomes airy, meaning it makes breathing and staying inside the bathroom easy and comfortable. There is a fresh feeling coming from the uncluttered mood that takes place when natural light comes in. The sunlight helps you understand and experience the comfort that comfort rooms say they have.     

2 - Natural light keeps you warm inside a chilly bathroom and in cold weather. 

chilli bathroom

During cold weather and when the cold seasons have arrived, taking a bath becomes an extra challenging daily pursuit. Everyone can relate to that! You are close to freezing when you do not heat up water for baths. Sometimes, even when you do, the cold is too icy for the warm water to conquer. 


Floor and wall tiles are one of the reasons why the bathroom’s temperature is low. Especially if you are living in arctic countries, this is so true. Natural light can help with this as it keeps you warm inside a chilly bathroom and in cold weather. 


Let natural light enter the bathroom to reduce the cold feeling. The sun will give you warmth and comfort. It may not completely eliminate the chilly vibe, but at least, it can help relieve the discomfort cold seasons might bring. 

3 - It highlights your pretty bathroom design.

bathroom design

In photography, natural light makes subjects look more striking as it unravels their rawest forms. Natural light does the same thing to your bathroom if you let it pass through your windows or skylights. It highlights your pretty and posh bathroom design. Artificial light is good, but natural light reveals more of the bathroom’s grace. Your interior designers and new home builders would love to know that you want to showcase their well-made bathroom for you through natural light that spotlights its allure!

4 - Natural light will wake you up in lazy early mornings.

natural light

Everybody is familiar with the sleepy and heavy feeling you get when you wake up early in the morning. Of course, everyone wants a little more time to sleep, but you cannot always bite into the temptation; you have to get up already or else you will be late to your appointments. 


The first room you go to after exiting your bedroom is the bathroom. You gargle, remove your morning glory, and wash your face. Sometimes though, these are not enough because you are still so lethargic and unmotivated. Well, if you have natural light coming into the bathroom, you get another way to wake up faster because the natural light is a good tool to wake you up in lazy early mornings. It makes you open your eyes quickly and sometimes involuntarily.  

5 - Clear sight of the bathroom allows better navigation.

bathroom design

Just like any other room in the house, your bathroom must be well-lit for your safety and for the safety of your loved ones living in it too. Natural light showers sufficient brightness over your bathroom, making it much easier to see and move around. 


Navigation is made more efficient. You can move surely and safely. People with poor eyesight in dim-lit areas will be helped. If you are looking for some stuff in the bathroom cabinets, you will not have a hard time looking for them because natural light got your back! 

6 - Save electricity costs during the daytime.

bathroom style

Last but the most financially beneficial of all is this. With natural light present in your beloved bathroom, you can save electricity costs during the daytime. That’s because you do not need to switch on the artificial bathroom lights anymore. You can just use them when the sun goes down or when it’s cloudy outside, which is not always the case. You can save money, and use your bathroom productively! 




Natural light is key to satisfying many human needs, especially in terms of health. Who would have thought it can be so favorable even inside a bathroom that’s enclosed to the fullest due to privacy reasons?! Wow. That’s the sun’s power indeed. It may not be strictly required for bathrooms, but having it gives you an edge!     


As a homeowner, keep in mind that letting natural light enter your comfort room is possible regardless of the size and style of your property. It’s not so easy to do that on your own though, so seek the services of your new home builders and designers to prioritize a well-directed and positioned lighting in your bathroom in particular. 


There are many types of artificial lighting that can work for bathrooms, but most of them work only for specific purposes. Some fit only big areas; some are for small spaces. Others depend on the paint colors and tiles inside the restroom. There are those that work differently during daytime compared to how they work when the sun goes down. Amidst all these, natural light is in its purest form leading to its untouched outcomes for your bathroom.       


Boost natural light in your comfort room, and see it glow with you! 



Nicole Ann Pore is the writer of this article.


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